About Us

A personal approach to your
educational journey

Greenberg Educational Group provides students and families with the tools needed to help achieve their educational aspirations. We offer highly acclaimed test preparation services, subject-specific academic tutoring, strategic educational advising, and application essay assistance for all levels of a student’s education. Our clients include students in elementary & middle school, high school, college, and graduate school, both domestically and internationally.

We pride ourselves on treating your family, like family. Through personalized service, we aim to get to know your student the best we can, as every student has different needs and goals.

Meet Founder & Owner

Eric Greenberg

Eric Greenberg is a leading educational services expert. He graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Business School and is a graduate of The Fieldston High School in Riverdale, New York. Since establishing the Greenberg Educational Group in New York City in 1991, Greenberg and his team have helped thousands of students, of all ages, achieve their academic goals. Eric focuses on advising students and families through the school selection/application process of, U.S. colleges and graduate schools, as well as NYC-area private schools.

Eric currently resides in New York City with his wife and two children.

 Q & A with Eric Greenberg

Our tutoring expertise

Greenberg Educational Group’s accomplished and dedicated staff includes an exceptional group of talented individuals with years of experience who are experts in what they teach. Staff credentials include degrees such as Masters, Ph.D., and JD and a great deal of tutoring, teaching, and advising experience. Our instructors have been with the company for an average of 10+ years. Our team is not only expert in what they teach, but they also have great insight, empathy, and emotional intelligence.

Our team includes graduates of Yale University, Harvard University, New York University, the University of Virginia, Brown University, Penn State University, Villanova University, the University of Chicago, and Washington University in St. Louis.